Nikon Virtual Studio Tokyo has revolutionized the way content is created by utilizing Absen's LED panel for its large-scale video wall. The color gamut is wide, allowing for undistorted color even when viewed from different angles. Additionally, this advanced technology is energy-efficient and generates low heat, making it the ideal choice for this project.
  • Product Model

    AX1.5 PRO
    JP 4
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Featured Case Studies

Trilogy Studios in Dallas used AbsenLive’s PR2.5 to create a J-shaped LED volume with LED ceiling.
Nikon Virtual Studio Tokyo has revolutionized the way content is created by utilizing Absen's LED panel for its large-scale video wall. The color gamut is wide, allowing for undistorted color even when viewed from different angles. Additionally, this advanced technology is energy-efficient and generates low heat, making it the ideal choice for this project.
  • Product Model

    AX1.5 PRO
    JP 4
  • Screen Size

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  • Date


Featured Case Studies

Trilogy Studios in Dallas used AbsenLive’s PR2.5 to create a J-shaped LED volume with LED ceiling.

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